Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Practice was really fun tonight. We had the indoor track all to ourselves for a full 2 hours! That never happens! Unfortunately we had low numbers because people were busy this tonight doing random things. We ended up having 4s for the scrimmage but it was still fun.

We worked on new plays for endzone (shhh its a secret - kinda). Lydia took a pretty nasty spill on the indoor track and scraped up 3 of her 4 limbs :( Erin says, "Ouch that's going to burn when you take a shower..." and Lydia goes, "Who needs showers..." =P

So during the Harvard scrim, I got footblocked TWICE in the same point. So I tried doing it in practice today and I got a foot on Trisha's throw but the pass was still completed. I can't decide whether foot blocks are too dangerous - I don't want to kick someone's hand and I kinda felt off-balance -, or if I should work on them more.