Thursday, July 10, 2008

What my parents think of me

When my dad picked me up from the airport, the first three things he said were:

1. Wow you got so dark.
Me: Yeah Dad, I've been playing lots of ultimate outside.

2. You look skinnier
Me: That's strange.

3. You have so many pimples.
Me: Yeah...

My mom came home from work a few hours later and said the exact same thing. Yay home :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A trip through sMITe's (recent) history

A few weeks ago I went through the box labeled "SMITE STUFF" passed down to me from Daphne. I must say, she's a very organized little one. There were binders of team meeting notes, "How to Build a Successful Ultimate Program" notes, blog posts about marking, defense, etc. I also found Lori's gift from her secret wisher of tournament cheer: An A-Z book on how awesome Lori is. (Man, you guys spent a lot of time working on these back in the day...)

There was also old sMITe jerseys (red with "MIT Women's Ultimate" on the corner), random t-shirts, tons of peoples' awards that never got picked up, and all the sign-up sheets from CPW and the activities midway. It was fun to see when people signed up and started playing for sMITe. It also made me kinda sad because out of the hundreds of people who are interested in playing ultimate, only a handful actually become committed to the team. I think this past year I had a sign-up sheet for the activities midway that had 27 names, and only 2 of them on the list joined the team and stayed for the entire year.

Anyway, I'm leaving for L.A./Taiwan/Japan tomorrow. Be back in 2-1/2 weeks :)

Monday, July 7, 2008


Jazzfest was pretty fun. I don't go on many road trips but Jazzfest hasn't failed to be an adventure yet. It was really fun to play with people much better than me and learn from them and play some low-pressure frisbee. I also met James of the James Drill. And I heard stories of how he wooed his girlfriend-now-wife Stacy by chasing a pickpocket in London. "Now that's marriage material," says Stacy =P

I also learned the international sign for crumbling fudge:

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy One Year :)

Picture taken by B. Jacokes.