Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkey Bowl!

On Friday afternoon a bunch of us went to the park on Broadway and Norfolk to play two-hand-touch football! Team Awesome: Charles, me, Clare, John Joo, and Eugene. Team Not-So-Awesome: NG, Chris Wai, Rich Wong, and Keith. It had just rained so there were giant mud puddles everywhere on the field. A couple people didn't wear cleats so they were slipping and sliding everywhere. Even the people who did have cleats didn't have much traction either. =P

The first half an hour was pretty uneventful with no scores and a lot of dropped passes. I scored the first touchdown when Charles threw to me when I was just standing in the endzone. Eugene scored another because everyone on the other team was too busy pushing Charles into a mud puddle. Team Awesome went on to score two more touchdowns and Team NSA only scored one. But towards the end people lost interest in the game and just focused on pushing Charles into the mud. The end result:

Hahaha the game was a lot of fun. Everyone should stick around for Thanksgiving dinner and football next year :D